• Pablo Otoniel Juárez Moreno Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero. Guerrero, México.
  • Roberto Cañedo Villarreal Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero. Guerrero, México.
  • María del Carmen Barragán Mendoza Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero. Guerrero, México.
  • Octaviano Juárez Romero Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero. Guerrero, México.
Keywords: ordinal logistic regression, quality of life index, welfare, statistical model


Is proposed it the ordinal logistic regression model that identifies the key factors that lead to the perception of quality of life of the residents of Ciudad Renacimiento and Llano Largo in Acapulco, Guerrero; for
it, a non-random sample of size 220 was used. This model considers a qualitative variable of interest (Quality of Life) with four ordinal categories; for which, is proposed a statistical model of ordinal logistic regression with a logit link function; the estimation of the model parameters, aj y = ( b1 , b2 ,..., bm ) unknown, was performed by the method of maximum likelihood; it adjusted the model, next step was verify the adequacy, which was held conducting three statistical tests: the parallel lines assumption, that the coefficients of the independent variables were statistically different from zero and global model tests. A lot of models were adjusted, for choosing the best model the criteria were used: significance of the coefficients of the independent variables, the pseudo R2 and the percentage of agreement between the forecast and the observed value. Three models were reported, two of which are considered plausible, one for goodness of fit and the other for its ability to forecast. In both models, economic variables have a strong influence on the perception of quality of life, however, also have space variables influence health and community life, the latter as a space that includes environmental pollution, among others, and of particular interest to this


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How to Cite
Juárez Moreno, P. O., Cañedo Villarreal, R., Barragán Mendoza, M. del C., & Juárez Romero, O. (2016). UN MODELO DE REGRESIÓN LOGISTICA ORDINAL PARA LA DETERMINACIÓN DE LOS PRINCIPALES FACTORES QUE INFLUYEN EN LA PERCEPCIÓN DE LA CALIDAD DE VIDA EN DOS COMUNIDADES DE ACAPULCO, GUERRERO. Denarius, (30), 171. Retrieved from https://denarius.izt.uam.mx/index.php/denarius/article/view/53