• Gabriel Alberto Rosas Sánchez Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología. Ciudad de México, México.
  • Enrique Hernández Laos Departamento de Economía. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana unidad Iztapalapa. Ciudad de México, México.
Keywords: environmental costs, multifactor productivity, technological change, technological change net of environmental costs


In the canonical version of the Solow growth model (1957), besides the primary inputs (fixed capital and man-hours), in this article we incorporate as negative externalities an estimate the monetary value of environmental damages generated by productive activities, affecting the evolution of technological and operational efficiency of the economy. We take the Mexican economy over the years 1990-2013 as a case study, which allows us to obtain a virtual measurement of technological change net of environmental costs generated by the economy, which in empirical terms constitutes an extended measure of multifactor productivity (MFP). This analysis is carried out at national level, as well as in nine large divisions of the mexican economy. The exercise authorize us to quantify the sectoral effects of the environmental inputs that would have to be paid by productive agents, in order to return to the ecosystem the prevailing conditions at the beginning of each production cycle. We found that in those sectors with decreasing environmental costs per unit of production over time, technological change net of environmental inputs (extended MFP measure) would be noticeably more dynamic than the traditional measurements applied by Solow's canonical model. Conversely, sectors with increasing environmental costs per unit of production would negatively affect the rate of growth of the extended aggregate multifactor productivity measure in the long term, if a "green" path of economic growth is sought.


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How to Cite
Rosas Sánchez, G. A., & Hernández Laos, E. (2017). COSTOS AMBIENTALES Y CAMBIO TECNOLÓGICO EN MÉXICO (1990-2013). Denarius, (33), 195. Retrieved from