The shrimp fishery is the most important fishery in México, from a productive (3rd in production volume and 1st in number of trawlers and ports) and (1st in income value) economic point of view. The shrimp is exploited by two fleets, the industrial fleet fishing with shrimp trawlers in offshore grounds and the small scale fleet fishing with canoes and nets in inshore waters (shallow bays and lagoons). The pacific shrimp fishery is overcapitalized and the fleet has high antiquity which traduces in low economic performance. The objective of this study is to characterize and analyze the shrimp trawling fleet as production units in order to simulate and determine its economic performance, including both subsidy in fuel and environmental effects. We used the analytical method of Production Representative Units (PRU) which employs economical similar features in the Mazatlán, Guaymas and Salina Cruz ports. We used the Monte Carlo method to simulate the economic performances of the PRU’s. The analysis results showed the most economical efficient trawler in Guaymas port, then Mazatlán and finally Salina Cruz. This results also showed a difference between the Mexican Pacific north and south fleets because the access to the market is different, besides the current politics to the marine diesel contributes to the global revenues significantly. The simulated scenarios, considering the subsidy and the environmental fluctuations, showed a sensitivity analysis for the three units with a medium-low economic performance.
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Referencias de Internet:
CONAPESCA, (Diciembre de 2012).
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