The generation of solid waste (RS) is inherent to the consumption of products protected with various types of packaging, generally the products that are most protected are processed foods. The consumption of food is a basic base of human beings, who seek to satisfy their needs through products and services; However, with these human beings they are consumed and influenced by other factors, a reconversion to the desires is generated and the pattern is given to what is known as consumerism. Consumption has generated large flows of waste materials, in such a way that the social problems arising are visible since they cause the exploitation of raw materials, the depletion of resources, the loss of quality of the environment and the quality of life.
The objective of this paper is to analyze the factors that favor the culture of recycling in consumers of processed foods, through the process of observation and analysis of statistical information on recycling programs designed by the government of Mexico City. and if so, there is an awareness in the management of the RS among the consumers of processed products, as well as the perspective of the consumer regarding the change of habits and social benefits obtained.
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