Our objective is to analyze the current regulatory and institutional environment that governs and influences the performance of companies, particularly in the sector that generically identifies in Mexico as "Mi-Pymes" (Micro, Small and Medium Business). This environment consists of laws and regulations; plans and programs promoted by public entities and private organizations. This institutional framework that underpins the public policies directed to the sector began its configuration in the administration of Vicente Fox and has consolidated during the governments of Felipe Calderón and Enrique Peña.
The theoretical perspective that we adopt emphasizes that the success or failure of public policies depends to a large extent on the design and operation of formal "rules of the game" established by the authorities in laws, codes, etc., and the performance of the actors and their habits and values, as well as organizational structures. Our work emphasizes the potential of public institutions to generate an incentive structure and a business environment that favors the promotion and development of the Small Business sector and entrepreneurship in the country.
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