La Escuela Histórica alemana y el “Debate del Método”

  • Alejandro Toledo Patiño Departamento de Economía. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana unidad Iztapalapa. Ciudad de México, México.
Keywords: historicism, political economy, holism, deduction, induction, economic history, marginalism


This article is a brief introduction of the Historical School or German Historicism, identifying its conceptual, methodical and historical characteristics,
as well as its main stages and most representative authors. Particularly noteworthy is the theoretical dispute ‒known as Methodenstreit‒ which took place in 1883-1884 between one of its main representatives, Gustav Schmoller, and the Austrian economist Carl Menger in relation to the nature of economic science, its status as a discipline , its object of study, method and relations with other sciences.


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How to Cite
Toledo Patiño, A. (2019). La Escuela Histórica alemana y el “Debate del Método”. Denarius, (37), 83.