La Limitación Estadística y Analítica en la investigación de la Deuda Pública de México

  • Miguel Alvarez Texocotitla Departamento de Economía. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana unidad Iztapalapa. Ciudad de México, México.
  • Shaní Eneida Alvarez Hernández Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana
  • Miguel David Alvarez Hernández King’s College London
Keywords: Public Debt, Economic Growth, Statistical Data, Estimators


The contribution of the present research paper is to indicate the main obstacles that scholars of public debt in Mexico confront. The analysis of the available statistical data of public debt allows us to conclude that such data is insufficient, biased, opaque, dated and irrelevant. Moreover, a detailed mathematical analysis of a representative model of economic growth incorporating public debt is done with the purpose of showing the analytical problems that affect these models when incorporating the relationship between public debt and economic growth.


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How to Cite
Alvarez Texocotitla, M., Alvarez Hernández, S. E., & Alvarez Hernández, M. D. (2019). La Limitación Estadística y Analítica en la investigación de la Deuda Pública de México. Denarius, (37), 181.