Fuentes de financiamiento tradicionales y alternativas para la promoción de proyectos productivos en tiempos de crisis

  • Magnolia Miriam Sosa Castro Depto Economía. UAM-I
Keywords: Financial study, Capital Structure, Funding sources


In the current context characterized by the post-pandemic era, plagued by uncertainty due to the war between Russia and Ukraine, where low growth rates and high inflation levels coexist, monetary authorities have proposed monetary policy actions, raising benchmark interest rates in order to alleviate the situation. However, such actions increase financing costs for new productive projects, so it is imperative to know the different financing alternatives, as well as to propose new mechanisms and instruments to obtain resources to promote economic activity. Thus, this article analyzes what a financial study is, what the capital structure is and describes the different "traditional" financing mechanisms, as well as the new strategies: loyalty programs, crowdfunding, leasing, Initial Coin Offering, Security Tokens Offering and Initial Exchange Offering.


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How to Cite
Sosa Castro, M. M. (2024). Fuentes de financiamiento tradicionales y alternativas para la promoción de proyectos productivos en tiempos de crisis. Denarius, 1(46), 69-94. https://doi.org/10.24275/uam/izt/dcsh/denarius/v12024n46/Sosa