• Patricia Carmina Inzunza Mejía Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa. Sinaloa, México.
Keywords: Digital economy, Labor market, Vocational training, Connectivity strategy


The objective is to analyze the implications of ICT in the digital economy and the labor market, in addition to its effects on digital skills for the labor market. The method is qualitative under the modular research model by transformation object, with argumentative and conceptual design, of descriptive type. The results highlight that the impact of technological change in the labor market lies in changing the work schemes and the characteristics of the labor market, where digital factors are determinants in work activities that go beyond the production process, by directly influencing areas of the professional and personal life of workers; as well as in the structure of the labor market. The main findings reveal that above a better salary stipend, currently there are strategies with greater labor flexibility for the development of workers, which suggests that ICT in general and the Internet in particular, they are central factors of technological change and the new context of the labor economy. In conclusion, ICTs lead to a change in the profile of workers, which implies that they are in constant training, through connectivity strategies that allow them to develop digital skills and immaterial work.


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How to Cite
Inzunza Mejía, P. C. (2018). FORMACIÓN, EMPLEO Y MERCADO LABORAL EN LA ECONOMÍA DIGITAL. Denarius, (35), 123.