La demanda de educación superior en México 2016

  • Nora Nidia Garro Bordonaro Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Iztapalapa
  • Armando Arcos Calzonci Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Iztapalapa


Pioneer theoretical approach from Becker (1987) and some modern hypothesis (Carnoy 2002; Llamas 2017) are analyzed and used to propose the estimation of the demand of higher education of the households. The price is represented by the relative labor incomes of occupied works with high school with respect to occupied workers with higher education; in turn, the amount is measured by the proportion of student of higher education with respect to members of the household within the age of reference. The selected control variables are chosen according with the modern concepts of Plan of life of the households, as well as Integrated knowledge required in the labor market (between others, educational climate, type of household, urban household, relative importance of public education). A model of demand of higher education is estimated, multiple linear regression with cross section data, using microdata of de ENIGH 2016. The estimations show that the relative labor incomes are not statistically significant, while the other variables are. That is, the social variables included in the variable Life Plan of the Households (per cápita income, educational climate, nuclear household, public education, women head of household, urban environment) have relevance in the higher education demand of the Mexican households in the year 2016. Such demand is considered a sub-plan of the bigger one. It is a theoretical challenge to consider the variables and their empirical measurement contained in the Life Plan of the Households; also, the public policy challenge is to take care of these included variables because some of them are significant determinants of the higher education demand.



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How to Cite
Garro Bordonaro, N. N., & Arcos Calzonci, A. (2019). La demanda de educación superior en México 2016. Denarius, (36), 49. Retrieved from