Desarrollo Digital en México

  • Regina Leal Güemez Departamento de Economía. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana unidad Iztapalapa. Ciudad de México, México.
  • Salvador T. Porras Duarte Departamento de Economía. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana unidad Iztapalapa. Ciudad de México, México.
Keywords: information technologies, diffusion, digital divide, Mexico


Dramatic development of information technologies (IT) has been unba­lance around de world. The diffusion of these tools has been different between developed and developing countries causing a digital divide. International organisations such as United Nations, International Telecommunications Union and Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, have conducted diverse studies related to this area and published proposals for countries in order to increase IT diffusion.

The aim of this document is to present a two level study of the te­chnological development in Mexico in the last twelve years; at the first level to compare results with other countries, and at the second level considering the national perspective. We analysed universal indicators used to measure IT including number of computers, mobile telephone subscriptions and internet diffusion. Mexico digital development has been positive in the last decade, however there are regions that still present an important delay in their IT level of diffusion.


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How to Cite
Leal Güemez, R., & Porras Duarte, S. T. (2019). Desarrollo Digital en México. Denarius, (37), 13.