Dinero endógeno y exógeno en la nueva macroeconomía keynesiana: un análisis teórico comparativo

  • Luis Gerardo González Hernández 5526978877
Keywords: Exogenous money; endogenous money; new keynesian macroeconomics; monetary policy


Within the framework of the new Keynesians, it seeks to clarify the relationship between the interest rate, the product, inflation and money, comparing a Central Bank that uses the money supply as a policy instrument, with another that follows interest rate rules. The purpose is to compare and draw relevant conclusions between the exogenous and endogenous approach to money.


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How to Cite
González Hernández, L. G. (2023). Dinero endógeno y exógeno en la nueva macroeconomía keynesiana: un análisis teórico comparativo. Denarius, 1(44), 141-161. https://doi.org/10.24275/uam/izt/dcsh/denarius/v2023n44/Gonzalez